Harare Traffic (Amendment) By-Laws 2013 (By-Laws)
165.45 KBHarare ( Traffic ) (Amendment) By-Laws 2013
7367 downloadspdf
Harare Anti litter (Amendment) By-laws (By-Laws)
212.39 KBHarare (Anti litter) (Amendment) by laws
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Harare Electronic Communications Facilities By-Law 2015 (By-Laws)
278.72 KBHarare (Electronic Communications Facilities) By Law 2015
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Harare Fire (Amendment) By-laws (By-Laws)
260.7 KBHarare (Fire) (Amendment) by laws
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Harare Human Excreta not to be used as fertiliser By-laws 2015 (By-Laws)
129.87 KBHarare (Human Excreta not to be used as fertiliser) By-laws 2015
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Harare Noise (Amendment) By-laws (By-Laws)
241.8 KBHarare (Noise) (Amendment) by laws
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Harare Protection of marginalised land By-laws 2014 (By-Laws)
188.59 KBHarare (Protection of marginalised land) By laws, 2014 2
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Listing of Harare By-Laws (By-Laws)
273.34 KBListing of Harare By-Laws
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Proceedings of Council By-law (By-Laws)
208.56 KBProceedings of Council by laws
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Harare Public Swimming Bath By-laws (By-Laws)
172.75 KBHarare Public Swimming Bath by-laws
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Harare Prohibition of Smoking in Theatres and Theatres bylaws (By-Laws)
184.35 KBHarare Prohibition of Smoking in Theatres and Theatres bylaws
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Harare control of worship in Open Spaces by-laws 2016 (By-Laws)
201.76 KBHarare control of worship in Open Spaces by-laws 2016
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Metropolitan Police Offenses Code List (By-Laws)
171.69 KBList of by-laws and offences that will be enforced by the Municipal Police in terms of the Urban Councils Act.